Saturday, January 3, 2009

she wasn't even thinking about resolutions

i have been meaning to design myself a new blog for the longest time but truth be told, i do not have the slightest idea how my blog should look like and well, css and i, we are just not meant to be. what i do know is that i love things simple. so, no more steaming hot buns and diagonal green stripey stripes, just plain ol' vanilla rebekah (with lots of yummy toppings).

i guess, sometimes we just need a little change for the sake of change.

it's the new year and well, everything seems pretty usual to me. but i did start on a new project that i didn't actually plan on doing. on new year's day, i was reading the photojojo 2009 photo resolutions newsletter and was quite inspired by what the good people there suggested. then, i started link surfing and stumbled upon an article that brought me to this fun software. i played around with it and it felt really close to what i've been experimenting with lately. so, one thing led to another and i started putting together a project 365.

these are some of the pictures i played around with polodriod. we were on our way to snowboard on the second day of the new year. and because i had to post one picture, i ended up taking (and deleting) many. and i'm actually having problems choosing which one to put up. so that's where this blog comes in. :b

i'm not sure how the project will turn out, but it will definitely be pretty cool if i can see it to the end. it's going to be a good year. i can feel it.


John said...

Hey, you stole my idea for a photo a day! 泥棒!

Except I forgot for a couple of days to take some photos so I have to wait for a nice day so I can begin again hehe...

デイドリーマー said...

im no mud stick! you should start again tomorrow, its gonna be a bright and sunny day. (嘘)

omegaforest said...

ha, I also started a photo a day to document my Megan! Great minds thinks alike har!

ジェイミー said...

hmmm... I don't think I'll be able to see through 365 photos. Can I opt for 52 instead? :P