balance in life
i was also reminded by my principal in his opening speech on the first day of school:
to always be thankful.
these signposts that i'm putting up in my mind as reminders are working beautifully, so beautifully that i've been making bento lunches for the past 3 days. perhaps, someone sneaked into my apartment and sprinkled fairy dust on me the night i turned 30 (gasp! there i said it). that might explain the sudden zeal in making bentos.
i've never really been that afraid of turning 30, though i will admit that dating H made me mind it just a wee bit (blast his smooth skin!). in fact, i've always told my friends that i quite looked forward it. i had a feeling that things would fall into place in my 30s and the elusive peace that i've been desperately looking for won't be elusive anymore. maybe just coy.
now that i'm almost 2 weeks into this brand new phase of my life in a brand new year, i actually still feeling optimistic. and that, for me, is something.

I'm joining the 30s club this year too :)
Never really minded it either, and I was telling a friend just last night that I actually quite appreciate it. I know myself better now than when I was in my 20s, and am clearer on what's important to me and what's not.
I once read a quote from Jamie Lee Curtis that goes something like; "growing older means turning into a more essential version of yourself", and I think that's pretty true.
You don't look 30 at all so you don't have to worry about not looking young enough for H! :)
its true alvin, im feeling so much more comfortable in my own skin. i can see that after 10 years you are still very into inner growth and spiritual development. 10 years! time flies eh? :9 ive changed heaps though, but i suppose the "essential version of myself" remains quite the same.
thanks cynthia :p i have my mom to thank for it. but これから頑張らないと。。。 hahaa
haaa...just remember to slap on the sunscreen & moisturiser! But I myself am the laziest person when it comes to sunscreen. :0
Glad to know that you're feeling optimistic about things. It's really great, and I'm saying it for myself too.
Agree with Alvin about knowing oneself better. I used to be apprehensive about turning 30, but I think in the last 2 years I made quite a lot of discovery, so I'm looking forward to a better decade than the one that's about to end for me. haa.. :)
thanks for always being sooo supportive jamie! hugs <3 im really excited for you too. im sure we are going to have fabulous years ahead of us.
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